How to make money on Black Friday

Black Friday is a happy time of the year for everyone. That is the time people get to buy their favourite gadgets, clothes and other needs for cheap with massive discount. While people are looking for the best Black Friday deals, it is also possible to make good money during Black Friday. In this article, we will look at how to make money on it.


What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is a time of the year where shops and manufacturers around the world sell their products and goods with massive discount. It started from the United states of America and it is now a global thing. Almost every country in the world observes it.

Black Friday is widely considered as the first shopping period for the Christmas season.

The date of black Friday every year is usually calculated to be the Friday after the Thanksgiving Day in the United States. The Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday of every November. That means every fourth Friday in November is observed as Black Friday. However, Black Friday has gone beyond just Friday, many shops and manufacturers start their Black Friday discounts for more than a week. Some times weeks before the official date.


Ways to make money on Black Friday

Here are ways that anyone can make money during Black Friday.


1. Affiliate marketing

The most popular way to make money on Black Friday or Cyber Monday is definitely affiliate marketing. If you strategize well, you can make so much money from affiliate marketing during Black Friday promotional period.

Affiliate marketing is all about referring people to products online with a link, if they buy through it, you get a commission from it. You can learn more about it by reading this article: How to make money through affiliate marketing.

This is why you can make so much money through affiliate marketing during this period: a lot of people save up money to buy items during black Friday discount. They are waiting for Black Friday to buy their favourite Phone or whatever at lower prices. Most of these sales happen online. Black Friday sales is usually in trillions of dollars globally. That is huge, a very huge potential.

So as an affiliate marketer, your job is to help as many people as you can find the best black Friday deals, once they click on your link and buy, you get commission from their purchase. The people are happy that you helped them find the best deal and you are happy you got commission for it. Everyone is happy!

So imagine, you are able to help 2000 people get good deals, and you get 20 or 10% commission from each purchase, you will be making good money. It is not impossible to get more than 2000 people, because hundreds of millions of people on the internet are constantly looking for good Best deals during this period.

So how can you do this?

A. Join an affiliate networks: You need to sign up with an affiliate network. Affiliate networks are mediums that will give you access to many products. They will give you a tracking link to any product. You can then share this link, when anyone clicks on it and purchase any item, you get a commission. Your first step will be to join an Affiliate network.

There are many affiliate networks out there. You can join anyone. It all depends on where you are and the one that is popular right there. Here are affiliate networks you can join:  Amazon AffiliateCommision JunctionLinkshareShareASaleebay Partner NewtorkClickBank.

For readers in Nigeria and Africa, you can join: Jumia Affiliate, Konga Affiliate

B.  blog (Website): You can create a blog where you post the latest Black Friday deals. If you are already a blogger, create a page on your blog and post deals that relates to the theme of your blog.  If you need help creating a blog then follow our guide: How to create a blog in less than 20 minutes.

This method will work so well and even help you beyond the period. The tip is to target a niche. It could be phones. Write about trending phones, their features, give a review and at the end, drop a link to massive Black Friday discount. You can replicate same pattern for other niche.

C. Social MediaUse your Social Media profiles and pages to share Black Friday deals with your link. You can tag your friends and family that you know are looking to shop during the period. You can create Facebook groups or pages for this purpose. 0

D. Use WhatsApp: One the best ways to reach people these days is WhatsApp, use it to spread good black Friday deals with your affiliate link and get commission when anyone purchase.

E. Email list: If you have an email list, send emails to them about Black Friday deals. You can collect emails through your blog, social media and other mediums.


2. Buy and resell

Another way to make money from Black Friday is to buy and resell goods that are in demand. This method works and you can make a good passive income from it if you have the budget to purchase and resell.

What you need to do is make a list of items that are very much in demand in your city.  Find out the regular price each item goes for on a regular day.  Then you look for stores that offer any good discount on any of the items. Purchase item, wait for the end of Black Friday where everything is back to regular price and resell the items.

For example, let’s say the trending  item that is very much in demand now is iphone X. By very much in demand, it means that you can always find buyer for it at any point in time. All you have to do is look for the price  of the phone before Black Friday and then on Black Friday look for any shop that offers a good discount on it. Buy it and resell it after the promotions.

To succeed in this method, you have to be very vigilant and act fast.  While there are lots of items on discount on Black Friday, the in-demand items on discount are very few. So you have to find out in advance, stores that will be selling those items on discount. Then wait as soon as it is time, get it.


3. Sell unwanted items

If you have any items in your house that you no longer use, Black Friday is the perfect time to find buyers. It could be an old Phone, TV or whatever, sell it.

The good thing about this period is that you can find buyers for almost everything. You can sell online or offline. For online, use classified listing platforms.


4. Drive with Uber

You can make extra money driving people to stores with Uber. Uber is a driving help that helps you drive at your convenience and make money.

During this period, people are looking for transportation to stores. You can register with Uber and you will get requests to pick people up. Pick up, drop and extra money.

The good thing is, you control when you want to drive. It could be on your way back from work. Click here to join Uber and make money driving


Where to find Black Friday deals

Here are list of stores offering Black Friday Deals.

  1. Amazon 
  2. Jumia 
  3. Konga
  4. eBay
  5. Alibaba

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