Best places to get grants in Nigeria for business or ideas (2024)

One of the best ways to get finance for business or ideas is getting a grant.  While a loan is a good alternative, a grant is far better than a loan. It gives you the peace of mind to build and grow your business or idea. It is like getting “free money.” There are many organizations who offer grants  in Nigeria, Africa and worldwide. This article is focused on grants. To check other options go to Financing.

What is a grant?

Grants are funding given to individuals or businesses to support their growth without necessarily having to pay back. Grants are given by Large organizations, governments, Non governmental organizations and wealthy individuals for various purposes. Unlike loans, you do not have to pay back.

What is the difference between a grant and a loan?

There are some differences between a grant and a loan that you may want to consider before deciding which one is best for you. Each of them have their advantages. Below are the differences:

  1. Payment: A loan requires you to pay back the money with interest but a grant is non-repayable. A grant is like a gift.
  2. Collateral: A loan may require a collateral that will be be taken over if the loan is not paid back after a set time but a grant doe snot require a collateral
  3. Risk: With a grant, there is no risk since you are not required to pay back but with a loan there is a risk. If you don’t pay back in time, there maybe trouble. And your ability to get loan again will be in jeopardy.
  4. Opportunities: A loan gives you more opportunities as there are many banks, micro-finance, different organizations and individuals offering it. But a grant is limited as there are not many organization offering it. It is mostly given by government, philanthropists and international organizations.
  5. Availability: A loan is more available. You can get it anytime and any day. But a grant is not always available. Some are given once a year or twice.

How to apply for a grants

Because a grant is a gift and non refundable does not mean you just apply for every grant you see. Here are factors you should consider:


You have to be prepared when you want to apply for a grant. Why do you need the grant? Is it for a business, idea or what? What is the plan? How will the grant help your business or idea? You need to know all these. If it is for a business or idea, you must clearly have a business plan or a blueprint. Grants are only given to individuals or businesses whom the giver believes will make a big impact. So prepare. Your goal is to convinced the giver while you deserve the grant.


Before applying, you have to be sure that you are eligible or you maybe wasting your time. Some grants are limited to locations. So be sure it covers your location. Some are limited by scope. There are small business grants, agricultural grant, health grant, research grant and so on. be sure it fits into your business or idea.


Some grants may have certain requirement before you can access. Such as years in business, certain documents being needed or anything in particular. Be sure to check all requirements. And get those you don’t have.

Submit your application

Once you have done due diligence to the above listed steps, it is time to submit your application. Go to the website and submit or if it requires you mailing or visiting the office, do it.

Best places to get grants in Nigeria for business or ideas

Here are places to get grants in Nigeria for business or ideas:

1. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grants

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) founded in 2000 as William H. Gates Foundation is a philanthropic organization with a goal to improve the quality of life worldwide. It is available worldwide but with a very big presence in Africa. And as the name suggests, it is owned and funded by veteran Billionaire, Bill Gates and his ex-wife, Melinda Gates.

As at 2017, the foundation was reportedly worth US$50.7 billion in assets, making it the largest privately owned philanthropic organization in the world.

The foundation regularly gives grants to organizations. Organizations in Africa and the United States who offers solutions to global problems can benefit from these grants.

The focus of the grants is mostly on humanity. Agriculture grants is also regularly offered.

To check on available grants which are regularly updated, You can visit the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grants page here

2. Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) Grant

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is a non-profit, private-sector organization that provides financial support in the form of grants to non-government business organizations such as chambers of commerce, employers’ federations, trade associations, and private enterprise-oriented research groups throughout the world. Grants are made directly to non-U.S. business organizations on a private basis, without government intervention. In 1983, CIPE was designated by the U.S. Congress as the business representative in the bipartisan National Endowment for Democracy program.

The many goals of CIPE include: Helping build independent business organizations to increase the base of business talent in the developing world and many more.

To learn more or to apply for a CIPE grant click here

3. Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) grants

The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund is a development organization with the goal to stimulate growth in the private sector across Africa. The fund is open to Entrepreneurs and businesses across Africa.

As at 2018, the AECF fund is worth $356M. The fund is donated by several international partners including the Australian Government, Canadian government among others.

Businesses across Africa can access the fund. The AECF offers grants and non-interest loans to African businesses and entrepreneurs with the best innovative ideas that are mainly focused on agriculture, agribusiness, renewable energy, adaptation to climate change, and access to information and financial services.

The fund is made available through competitions. Businesses and entrepreneurs are invited to present their innovative ideas and solutions.

To apply and learn more about the AECF grants click here.

4. United States African Development Foundation (USADF)

The United States African Development Foundation (USADF) is an independent federal agency of the U.S established to provide financial and technical to African enterprises.  The USADF offers grants of up to $250,000 for operational assistance, enterprise expansion, and market linkage to early-stage agriculture, energy, and youth-led enterprises that benefit under-served communities in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The main focus is on youths and women in agriculture.

To apply for a USADF grant or to learn  more about USADF click here

5. Ford Foundation grants.

The Ford Foundation is one of the most famous philanthropic organization in the world.  Established in 1936, the foundations offer grants to organizations in the United States, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

The foundation has given out over $16.3 billion in grants worldwide since it was founded.

The focus of the Ford Foundation is on initiatives aimed at reducing poverty and injustice; promoting democratic values; and advancing human knowledge.

You can always write and share your ideas with the Ford Foundation anytime.

To apply for a Ford Foundation grant or to learn more about the Ford Foundation grants click here

6. The Rockefeller foundation grants

The Rockefeller Foundation is a private foundation with its headquarters in New York. With an interest in making the world a better place, the foundation offers grants aimed at solving different problems facing our world.

To learn more about Rockefeller foundation grant click here

7. AXA Research Fund’s grants

The mission of the AXA Research Fund is to support outstanding researchers committed to contributing to global societal challenges related to Life & Health, Data & Technology, Climate & Environment, and Economics. AXA Research Fund’s grants is a formation of the AXA Foundation.

As of 2018, the organization has offered grants up to €179 million for 563 research projects in 35 countries including Nigeria, South Africa, and covering many African countries.

To learn more about the AXA Research Fund’s grants click here

8. African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) grants

The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is a grantmaking foundation that supports local, national, and regional women’s organisations working towards the empowerment of African women and the promotion and realisation of their rights.

So if your organization or ideas are related to women empowerment and promotion you can apply.

To learn more about the AWDF grant click here

9. International Monetary Fund (IMF) grants

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) gives grants to non-profit organizations working to help the poorest and disadvantaged emerge from very low-income, socially dependent, and other detrimental and dysfunctional situations.

The average grant award is $10,000.

To apply or learn more about the IMF grant click here

10. World Bank grants

The world bank provides grants to businesses and entrepreneurs worldwide. But most worldwide grants are in partnership with governments. So to access the world bank grants, you should be up to date with news regarding the latest world bank grants available to your country.

However, Civil Society organizations can still apply for funding from the world bank.

To learn more click here

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Editorial staff is a platform that connects people with ideas, opportunities and latest trends in personal finance growth online and offline. It is the most read personal finance platform in Nigeria

Articles: 173


  1. I am a Medical Laboratory Scientist and a Pastor, but I am very interested in both the car business and the Okirika as well as how to obtain a grant and/Loan.So get into details and draw the battle line for a real business deal.My immediate sennior brother did Okirika business and was very successful in it and by the grace of God i will succeed in it also.

    • Helo sir/ma pls I am a furniture maker any money to buy tools so that it will be easy for me to produce and employees at least 5 to 6 people,thanks.

  2. I am plànning a small-scale business that can provide job opportunities for at least 7staffs with a reasonable salary. I have to build a factory for iron zinc production, Barel machine for corrugation, and a truck for delivery. The capital needed is 5milion naira for materials to startup the business.

  3. I am a business accountant, venture into buying and selling of foodstuffs like garri, rice, and groundnut since there is no Job after graduating and I was doing well not until endSars and covid 19 issues, my goods worth 12 million were all burnt to ashes in Abia state in Nigeria when coming from northern Nigeria.

    Ever since I and my extended family we are just helpless, down casted because it’s a family business. But as it stands now, we’ve gotten land in Benue State Nigeria to start farming Rice, Cassava, and Groundnut, which will cost us 15 million, we will be very grateful if we can be assisted. We have applied several times for a loan to our country for assistance but to no avail. With this invenure, jobs will be created for 20 to 25persons and enough food availability, thanks once more if approved,

    • Good day sir. How is work and family? Hope ok? Sir, I apply for a 5 million naira grant empowerment to open a quality block industry business. Sir, I will be happy if my application is granted.

  4. I am into interior decorations which involves using of 3D epoxy, 3D panels and 3D wall papers installatios.
    I need grants to butress my business

  5. Please I will need a grant to start a sachet water factory, which will enable me to employ people or join the transportation business e.g buying Keke Napeps and giving it out to able youths on high purchase in which every week they bring returns.

    • How can I apply for a grant? I’m a private school owner and have been existing for 8 years now. How do I apply for this grant please.

  6. Hello sir/ma, I have a land but I need a Grant to start farming on the land, thank you for your response

  7. I want to open a business that will enable me to pay my school fees and other personal needs in school. But I don’t have capital please

  8. Dear sir,
    I need a financial assistance to go into ram business, as salah period is fast approaching.

  9. I don’t need much, just 2 million is enough for a start and with time I’ll expand. Contact me on [Removed]

  10. Organically growing a POWER PLANT to sustain the mass production of a NATURAL JUICE ENERGIZER DRINK made from fresh plants no preservatives no sugar, 100% pure and strictly no artificial flavoring.

  11. I want to start raising tree seedlings for business to combat issue of climate change that’s challenging our planet but the cost implications is unbearable.

  12. I want to raise tree seedlings for business so as to combat the effect of climate change that is challenging our planet Earth.

  13. Good day Sir/Ma am a software engineer / Developer. A Master Holder in Software Engineering. My skills include: Programming (C, PHP, ASP, XHTML, HTML, CSS, JQUERY, JAVASCRIPT, PHP,MYSQL)
    Web Design and Development / Domain Hosting Service
    Bootstrap, codec chat scripting.
    System Engineer / Software Engineer / System Analyst
    Computer Software Analysis and Development
    Video Editing and Design
    Graphic Designer
    Information Technology Consultant
    Web & Application Developer
    Web Security Experts
    Database Management System. Covd19 has really brought me down and have spent a lot to burst my IT Company but I have no location and place for me Impact my knowledge and have client to developed the software application for them. Have developed several software for schools, e-commence, hospital, pharmacy, hotel, restaurant etc. My dream also is to have a CBT center here in Gombe state because they lack it. I have strong passion for my field please assist me in Betti the GRANT. Thanks and God Bless. My contact are [removed] and [removed]

  14. Good day Sir/Ma am a software engineer / Developer. A Master Holder in Software Engineering. My skills include: Programming (C, PHP, ASP, XHTML, HTML, CSS, JQUERY, JAVASCRIPT, PHP,MYSQL)
    Web Design and Development / Domain Hosting Service
    Bootstrap, codec chat scripting.
    System Engineer / Software Engineer / System Analyst
    Computer Software Analysis and Development
    Video Editing and Design
    Graphic Designer
    Information Technology Consultant
    Web & Application Developer
    Web Security Experts
    Database Management System. Covd19 has really brought me down and have spent a lot to burst my IT Company but I have no location and place for me Impact my knowledge and have client to developed the software application for them. Have developed several software for schools, e-commerce, hospital, pharmacy, hotel, restaurant etc. My dream also is to have a CBT center here in Gombe state because they lack it. I have strong passion for my field please assist me in Betti the GRANT. Thanks and God Bless. My contact are [removed] and [removed]

  15. So good to know this. It’s quite encouraging, but we need more opportunities for young women who intend going into food business because some of us intend getting grants to process finished products and not only agricultural related products. I observed that only two organizations concentrated on that. Food is really essential. Please consider this.

  16. I am a food scientist who has vast experience in greenhouse technology farming and acclaimed managerial know-how. Please I need a grant to bring this dream to reality. Thanks

  17. Good Morning Sir/Ma,
    I am a Civil Servant about to retire from the Service, and went into learning Soap Making. I have strong passion for the soap making / Production of other house hold items like (Vaseline, body cream, detol, Izal, Perfume, Insecticide etc)
    Please kindly assist me in getting a grant, to enable me purchase chemical, items and Equipment to enable me forge ahead and to bring my dream to a reality.
    God Bless you.

    Sussana Obot

  18. I’m a Nigerian engineer by training but a classroom teacher by occupation. Given my background as a brilliant engineer, I teach in-demand STEM courses(Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Drawing, and Math). I have a specific plan on how to make quality education available and accessible to all and sundry by creating and expanding lesson/coaching centers across the town, but unfortunately, I lack the fund.
    You can help me make this dream a reality by aiding me with your grant.
    Thanks for your time and consideration.

  19. Good day, please I need a grant to start my business, mobile engineering. All my effort to bring things together is failing because of no money. Please help and support me. Thanks

  20. Hello Sir,
    I Am Sunday Akeerebari, I Have a registered welding business. Your platform have said it all, from explanation of things I am convinced. it is not the application for the grant that matters much to me, No Coach takes his players to pitch without proper training. There is a key to Winning application, I have involved into variouse GRANTS but to no avail. I want to ask:, what are those things i need to have to be a WINNING APPLICANT?

  21. I’m a graduate of Mass communication with a postgraduate in Education and now a Law student at the University of Lagos.
    I started a publishing business this year with the production of two books for preschoolers. Everything had been done but was told I would need a minimum of 1million naira to print 1000 copies of each book. I guessed the aesthetic of the books contributed to the hike in printing cost.
    I’m confident this will create jobs for a couple of persons- typist, graphics artist and marketers.
    I sincerely need a grant to make it a reality.

  22. My name is Grace, I’m currently looking for funds to start up a POS business. I would appreciate it if I could get a grant.

  23. I am a woman with vision to help the less previllege in my locality in education. l have already established one but but paying teacher salaries and rent is difficult task. Please I need the grant to help me in settling these issues.

  24. “Knowledge like air, is vital to life. like air, no one should be denied of it.” I am an avid realist who believes that everyone who seek to be a person of value in life can achieve it through focus and hard work.
    I have noticed that ICT knowledge resides only in the cities while those in rural areas are being disadvantaged. I intend to bridge this gap by developing a community app; it a community based app that will enable people to share ICT knowledge with each other in practical terms by setting up small small centers in rural areas where people can be seeing each other and meet the needs of each other. that is where I believe they will get their strength and depicts a true community.

    • I am a business accountant, venture into buying and selling of foodstuffs like garri, rice, and groundnut since there is no Job after graduating and I was doing well not until endSars and covid 19 issues, my goods worth 12 million were all burnt to ashes in Abia state in Nigeria when coming from northern Nigeria.

      Ever since I and my extended family we are just helpless, down casted because it’s a family business. But as it stands now, we’ve gotten land in Benue State Nigeria to start farming Rice, Cassava, and Groundnut, which will cost us 15 million, we will be very grateful if we can be assisted. We have applied several times for a loan to our country for assistance but to no avail. With this invenure, jobs will be created for 20 to 25persons and enough food availability, thanks once more if approved,

  25. I will need the grant to set up these ICT centers in other to train our teeming youths who are intelligent and suitable to be trained in ICT that would enable them set up their own businesses. This I believe will reduce to the barest minimum youth restiveness and vices. A grant of $6,500 would be needed

  26. My name is Peter A. Okloho, I have a registered coy, vapeto Nig. Ltd. I am planning to venture into large scale palm tree agricultural plantation in Benue State, Nigeria to be precise. The economic benefits are enormous. If called upon, I will be able to provide details of the farm project. Land is available on a large scale,part will be on lease. I look forward to a favorable reply. Thanks.

  27. I have deep passion to assist aged parents in feeding and vulnerable children in school in the remote part of the villages. If I can be assisted to push to a wider family I will be very grateful. Thanks

  28. I need money to start up a school. Education in Nigeria has become a laughing stock. I want to contribute immensely to educating young Nigeria children. I will be grateful if I get a grant to achieve this.

  29. I’m a aluminum fabricator,l m very interested on that grants, I
    want to open an aluminum shop and selling it when people want it there will come and buy with me

  30. Please, sir/ma, I just finished my fashion design training. I need 100k to buy some equipment. I will be very grateful

  31. Hi there.
    I am Adebayo Abimbola a civil servant and an entrepreneur specialized in tailoring, I was just using the search engine and I stumbled on this awesome page, I really needs some help in getting my business started, sewing at a good price and increasing my customers base will be great to enable me employe some youths in my community.
    Be glad hearing from you soon.
    Thank You.

  32. Respected Sir/Madam,
    I hope you’re doing well. I am writing this letter with much hope that you might be able to help me. My younger brother and my brother-in-law had fallen sick recently with epilepsy and spinal cord injury. And they are not under any form of treatment now due to financial problems. And at this point, my in-law’s wife ( my sister) is nursing a set of twins. You can imagine how hard things are for this family now. I request you to please help me out and pay their hospital bills so the hospital can begin their treatment. I will anxiously be waiting for your reply. For further inquiries, you may contact me with the number given below. I will be very grateful if you help me out in my difficult time. {removed}

  33. Please sir /ma, I need grant to start a farm. I have land but I don’t have money to buy all farm materials, please help

  34. How can I apply for a grant? I’m a private school owner and have been existing for 8 years now. How do I apply for this grant please.

    • How can someone apply for the grant? Cos I have apply for the Agmeis but have never got approved.

  35. I am into a telecommunication business, such as sales of recharge card and cable sub, and I want to migrate to wholesale. Thanks.

  36. I sincerly apply for little grant / loan to enable me complete my food stuff packaging that was abandon due to lack of fund by the name, Manner food concept packaged by makameke enterprising. will be glad if my application is been granted. thanks

  37. I am into bag and shoe manufacturing business. Please sir, I need grant to buy sewing machines and other necessary equipment

  38. I appreciate you for the privilege to comment. Please I have a business I need financial assistance to boost. Its engine and palm oil business. I have started one in a low profile but need to grow it. If I can buy in drum it will go a long to even employ more workforce. With 1.5m the business will boost. I can make a living with it. I need help being a physically challenged person. My number is [removed]. Thanks

  39. My name is Amarachi Deborah Nsude am from Enugu
    Am a student of Enugu State University of science and technology but paying school fees has been a problem for me so I dropped but my passion since I came of age is to start a poultry business where I can employ up to 8 people and I also love fashion I will be very happy if I get a grant to start up a fashion shop selling ladies wears and hair .
    I have so many business ideas but coming from a family that is not financially stable have done more bad to my life please I will be happy if I get the grant because I will use it wisely this is my phone number I really need help [removed]

  40. I rent a hectare of land and plant cassava on it, before two months the people take it back from me, so I need a grant for agric. Please, it’s in Lagos. Please help me out with the investing in the job again

  41. Hi, I am Grace, an event decorator and cake designer, I am looking for a grants to setup my business properly, I lack so many tools and materials even I cannot afford to rent shop, currently using my house as shop. Please any assistance for me I will appreciate. God bless you

  42. I am a retiree. I want to establish a sheep/cattle farm for which I have already acquired ten acres of land. I however find it difficult to proceed with the project because my terminal benefits are yet to be paid. I will be grateful if I could be considered for grant to enable me continue with the project.

  43. I’m into construction and I own a showroom before where I displayed my mental doors and burglary with others but suddenly during the time of COVID 19 the area boys invade my shops and scattered, destroying a lot of my machines which I haven’t been able to stand up till date. Please if I can see a grant that will help my business, I will be grateful.

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