Search Results for south africa

Value-added tax in South Africa


South Africa is Africa’s 2nd largest economy and is arguably one of the most developed countries in Africa. The Southern African nation is home to some of the most successful corporations on the continent with increased production offering the government…

South Africa vs Nigeria: Economy comparison

nigeria VS south africA

With a combined economy of over 800 billion US Dollars, South Africa and Nigeria are two of Africa’s largest economies. Both countries have seen significant economic and social changes in recent decades, but they also face a number of challenges…

10 Biggest banks in South Africa (2024)

Standard Bank

South Africa is situated at the southernmost tip of the African continent. The country is Africa’s third-largest economy and one of Africa’s richest nations in terms of GDP per capita.  The increase in the South African economy brought a resultant…

Salary of doctors and nurses in South Africa

medical doctor

Doctors and nurses are life-savers, at least according to their patients. But remember, they’re humans like everyone else. They have goals, ambitions, families and of course, financial responsibilities. Are they paid well? How much do SA nurses earn per month?…

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