Pound to Naira Today

Here is the price of the British pound to naira today covering the black market, the CBN rate and the FX market. This page is updated daily.

Rate updated on 27/05/2024

Black market rate

TransactionPounds (£)
Pound to naira exchange in the black market today

CBN rate

TransactionPounds (£)Naira (₦)
Pound to naira CBN rate today

FX market rate

Pounds (£)Naira (₦)
Pound to naira FX market rate today

The price of the British pound currently at the black market rate is ₦1920

On this page, you will find the British pound sterling to Naira exchange rate. This page is automatically updated as it happens. That means it is updated minute by minute and you will not miss out on anything. You can bookmark it and return it anytime to check your Pounds to Naira rates. On this page, you can convert pounds to naira easily

You can also make use of the Pounds to Naira calculator to do your calculations or financial analysis.

Remember, rates can change at any time, so this page is updated real time.

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